Thursday, September 4, 2008


Welcome to yet another blog about the Columbus tech community! My focus is on the IT startups in the area because that is my passion, and my job. I have been involved personally in starting several IT businesses in central Ohio, and I am sure I will be back out there in the trenches at some point in the future. Also, as the Director of IT Commercialization for TechColumbus, my job is to find, fund, coach, and help the IT startups in central Ohio. I get the pleasure and honor of using my experience, skills, network, and the resources of TechColumbus to grow great IT companies right here in central Ohio!

So, I will bring some perspective to things we are doing at TechColumbus. I will work to encourage budding tech entrepreneurs. I will do what I can to provide useful information and useful connections to keep central Ohio's IT startups going and growing.

To do my job with excellence, I need help. We need to keep blogging, and meeting, and connecting, and thinking, and trying, and failing, and getting back up, and celebrating our local successes.

So, I join my voice, my energy, and my blog, to the other passionate people in this community that want to see us known as a successful high tech town where ideas flow and businesses grow.

Thanks, Kevin...

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